Project Description


‘When we think about something in our life that we are grateful for, it brings with it a feeling of appreciation and joy – this is the energy that can literally change our state of being in an instant, elevating our mood, our day and the things we bring to us. . . like attracts like’

Count our Blessings and cultivate GRATITUDE.

Practicing gratitude consistently leads to a direct experience of being connected to life and the realisation that there is a larger context in which our personal story is unfolding.

We often acknowledge our appreciation when things are going well for us. But even more helpful would be to notice those things for which we are grateful when we are struggling physically or emotionally.

There are numerous ways to use mindfulness to cultivate gratitude and a simple daily practice is a quick and easy way to improve your health and well-being. I would recommend this practice first thing in the morning before getting out of bed.

  • You can start by simply bringing your awareness to your breath, as you gently inhale and exhale, feeling your chest and belly rise and fall with each in and out breath that gives you life.
  • Be aware of the warm inner-glow of your heart, feel it beating, pulsing, filling with love and compassion, peace and warmth and flowing that back out into the world.
  • Notice how your energy feels within your body, don’t over think it, get out of your head and simply surrender to your heart.
  • Then bring your awareness to your eyes through which you see the world, your ears through which you hear, bring your awareness to your nose and to your lips and mouth, bring your awareness to your hands that hold and touch your world and to your feet, your toes that help to support and transport you through your world.
  • Awareness is the key and will gently open you up to the opportunity for things to arise, perhaps you appreciate the pillow that gently supports your head, the bed that allows for restful sleep and the duvet that surrounds you – perhaps you give thanks for a new day.
  • As your perspective shifts the list will expand. Writing in a journal is another helpful way to help the flow and soon you will experience the love and empathy and have the ability to see growth, and potential in every moment.

 Be well, be happy and be free. . .